
The Female Success Blog

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Use Spring Equinox to get your 2023 back on track

cleanse female entrepreneur female success intentions spring spring equinox Mar 22, 2022
confident woman walking down a path

I love Spring, I love the sound of the little birds chirping, I love the smell of fresh grass being cut, I love the burst of colour that the Spring flowers bring, I love the longer days & the warmer temperatures (in the UK). 

Most of all though, I love the promise that Spring brings. I prefer it a hundred times more than the New Year. 

New Year always feels like an obligation, like you have to set resolutions & goals & to be perfectly honest when I get to December 31st I'm still usually reeling from all the work & effort I have expended into making Christmas perfect for everyone.

Spring though, Spring feels totally different. Spring signals renewal, & you can see new life everywhere. This is a sign that Winter is over, it’s a sign that the days are getting longer, & the weather is improving and you can take it as a great time to refresh everything.

Here are my favourite 3 things to do, to ensure Success for the remaining 9 months of the year. It doesn’t matter what’s been going on January-March, this is a sign that you can re-group and get your year back on the rails. 

1. CLEANSE - Spring Clean 101

What do I mean by cleanse? Well… I mean a few things. This is a condensed version of what I teach but you will get loads of value from it & is a great place to start.


From your house to your head & your heart, where there is clutter you aren’t moving forward. 

Let’s begin with your house, you need to look at your house as your sanctuary. If you have piles of rubbish, piles of paper, messy drawers & cupboards & worse still a messy work area, you are holding yourself back. You will not be functioning well if you have clutter & mess everywhere. 

Schedule time to spring clean each room in your home, starting with your workspace. You must schedule this time because if you don’t you won’t do it. 

Write a list of the rooms you need to clear & put a date next to it. We don’t want this to take until the Autumn, so commit to getting it done.

Do you want to eat more healthily? Clear out your food cupboards & your fridge. Clear out the cupboards that are stopping that from happening.

Half-empty jars, old make-up, bottles of perfumes? Have a purge & get rid of the stuff that's never getting used or won’t be finished. You can donate anything that's worth saving but get rid of all the stuff you’re keeping simply because it cost you money. It’s costing you more than money. It’s costing you your headspace & your creativity. It’s a blockage!

Schedule time to spring clean your car, if you have one. I don’t know about you but I spend a lot of time in my car & I need that space to feel clean & uncluttered. 

For inspiration, watch Maria Kondo on Netflix, her de-clutter & positive intentions for each room & the stuff within it really changed my life. In one of the episodes she talks about looking at the clothes in your wardrobe & asks when pulling out each garment “does it bring you joy?”. If it doesn’t, you look at the garment & say “thank you” & then either bin it or donate it. The first time I did this ritual, I was left with almost nothing to wear. I was ruthless & it felt amazing. It was truly liberating.

The other thing that was very heartwarming was an episode where she went to visit a lady who had sadly lost her husband and couldn’t bare to part with any of his things. A long time had passed and she wanted to downsize so she desperately needed to part with some of his belongings, mainly clothes. This was, as you can imagine, very difficult. The way Marie approached this was so beautiful and sensitive.

She encouraged the lady to only do this when she felt ready and to take the time to hold each garment and go through the process of what must be kept and what was perfectly acceptable to let go. All of it was down with such grace and empathy it gave me the strength to go through some of my older keepsakes and to really work out what needed to stay with me and what could go.

I could go into a lot of detail about this subject but for now, I urge you to simply go and have a look over on Netflix and have a watch if you fancy it.

Another great program for inspiration is The Home Edit, Clea & Joanna are all about getting organised with an interior design flair thrown in for good measure. They changed my attitude to de-cluttering & organisation from groaning about it to totally loving it. They also made me organise my books by colour & size, rather than just size. They are also responsible for my obsession with clear little boxes to organise things better. I won’t go on BUT, if you have a large scarf collection and you always wonder whether to hang them, fold them or roll them then you need to watch this series. 

Cleanse your habits. Now is the time to check in with yourself about your rituals & habits. Daily habits become the reason whether we achieve our goals or not. I know that sounds harsh but our daily habits are the foundation with which we carry out our day-to-day progress.

So I urge you to look at your sleep patterns, your mindset, the space you create for yourself to think, your eating & drinking habits, your exercise routine, your friendships, your relationships, & your general habits. Are you still making up the same excuses as to why you haven’t achieved something that you wanted to? Chances are, you are still doing everything exactly the same way as before. For things to change, you need to change & for you to change, you have to actively change what you do & how you do it. 


In order to create the life you want, to create the business you want, & the relationships you want, you must become hyper-intentional about what you are creating. You will have heard the well-known saying “What you think about you bring about” well that is the idea behind setting intentions. 

What is the definition of INTENTION? It means a strong purpose or aims. Setting a clear & powerful intention can have incredible results for anyone committed to fulfilling that intention. 

If you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, if you have an unwavering commitment to do whatever is necessary to hit your goal then you are on the right track to having a clear intention. 

There are deeper studies about the idea of INTENTION but I don’t want to create confusion or go off on a tangent so I am simply going to talk about the power of setting a clear & positive intention to help propel you through this next season. 

Ask yourself these questions & journal the answers (I usually do this with a nice cup of tea and a lovely candle & my favourite crystals):-

  • What goals do I want to achieve this season? (Think of goals as seeds you are sewing)
  • How do I want to feel this season?
  • How will I water the seeds I am planting? (How do you need to show up?)
  • What are my values?
  • What is one word that sums up how I intend to be this next season? 

After setting a new intention I often, look at my vision board & make sure it aligns (maybe you might create one if you don’t have one already). 

Look at creating some affirmations that match your intentions. (Again, that's another subject for another day).


One of the reasons we Spring Clean is not only to clear away clutter but it’s to bring new energy into our living space, bring new life, new intentions & create space for change. As you know energy is everything. Without energy, we cannot achieve any of our goals in life.

Now, I don’t know about you but leading up to the Equinox I was feeling some pretty bad energy. I was feeling very emotional, tearful, & slightly worried. I didn’t realise at the time that it was because the Equinox was around the corner but now it all makes sense.

These feelings that you may have experienced are actually there as a sign, a sign of what energy needs clearing. Take note of any disempowering thoughts and feelings you have been having and remember that you are the master of your life. You can choose to change your direction, you can choose to change the way you feel or react to a given predicament or position you find yourself in. 

Because you have cleared your space, & considered your intentions you are now ready to step forward as your best self and take aligned massive action. 

Open your heart, your mind and your soul to what action needs to be taken. 

Upgrade your life by setting your big-picture goal, your mission.

Put in place the correct habits that you need to form in order to achieve those goals.

Make a commitment to showing up every day & taking steps towards your chosen path. 

That’s all from me for this blog post.

I would love to hear about some of the things you're going to do as a result of reading this. I reply to all of my emails so don't forget to connect with me by email or drop me a line on social media.

Happy Spring, 