3 Ways To Achieve Success!
Feb 24, 2022
3 Things You Can Do To Achieve Success
"Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." -- Coco Chanel
So often it takes ten times more work to achieve a goal or an outcome than we expected.
If we knew when we began how hard it would be, or how many times we would have to start over we probably wouldn't even bother to begin.
Thats the thing though. Success is most definitely the result of lots of learning, lots of mistakes, maybe even lots of tears and frustration.
At the end of all of that lies the SUCCESS that so many of us want in our lives, our businesses and our relationships.
Success is a result of personal growth. We don't get success until we are ready to handle it.
So, don't be put off by the trials and tribulations along the way, & don't be deterred by the things you don't know how to do. Don't think about HOW to think about WHAT.
Get so crystal clear on your goal, & your outcome that you allow your brain the chance to navigate its way to success.
Yes there will be hurdles, & yes there will be ups and downs, but that's how it's meant to happen.
Success is most definitely the prize at the end of a whole lot of mess! Smile in the knowledge that if you're hitting obstacles you're inching closer to SUCCESS.
1. Create winning habits -
Every single day makes sure that you have some pre-planned great habits such as a defined time to wake up (I am a fan of getting up early because while the world sleeps I get so much done). A plan for the day, your most important goals written down. Take time to prepare your mind by either doing a visualisation, meditating or some affirmations. Exercise, I run every single day but it doesn’t have to be that, it can be anything that raises your heartbeat & gets you moving. I have usually done all of that way before 9 am in the morning. Drink loads of water as this keeps your brain functioning at its optimum level. Get good rest & plenty of sleep. Don’t forget to move throughout the day, & keep the energy flowing around your body by taking regular movement breaks! Eat good healthy whole foods (remember if it's not a whole food it's a wrong food). This list is endless really, in fact maybe it's another blog all on its own for another day.
Simply ask yourself if your habits are helping you or hindering you. Set yourself up for success by doing things that you know will propel you forward in every way possible.
2. Get an accountability partner -
I talk through my goals and any struggles with a couple of trusted friends who run similar businesses to me. We schedule a time to speak once a week. If I have said that I am working on launching a program or a blog, podcast, or anything that needs to move forward I tell my friends what I will have achieved by the next time we speak & this keeps me focused and I also feel that I have to show up having done what I said I would. Accountability partners really do help you move forward much faster than working on your own.
If I get stuck, it’s great having someone who knows what I am doing to help me talk through my issues. Simply speaking your problems out loud can help clear the mind more than sitting in your office or at home talking to the dog or cat! If we can’t solve a problem together one of us usually knows someone or a resource that can help. I cannot stress how much this has helped me over the years.
3. Mindset -
I know this may sound incredibly obvious but having a success mindset is half the battle with having the confidence and the consistency to show up as you need to for success.
What do I mean by a Success Mindset? The first thing is that you have to talk to yourself like you would speak to someone you admire. Stop any self-talk that doesn’t match your desire for success and that includes saying things like “I am stuck, I don’t know how, I can’t, I”m not good enough, other people are better than me”, & there are plenty of others but you get the idea. Stop doing any of that immediately and start telling yourself who you are and what you bring to the world. You can prepare some affirmations that help you, things like - I am a powerful content creator, I am worthy of success, I succeed at everything I put my mind to, I am strong and capable… I have lots more of those in my program “Get Your Dream On’. You can talk to yourself in the mirror albeit I feel a bit silly doing that, but hey it works for some people so give it a go. Just remember that in order to achieve any breakthrough and to achieve success like never before you have to begin with believing that you can.
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