
The Female Success Blog

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Becoming the Future You!

May 04, 2023
the future you

Are you sick and tired of feeling down, feeling tired, feeling unfulfilled, frustrated with what you are doing, lacking in health, energy, satisfaction, wealth or any other state ?

Do you beat yourself up, do you feel unconfident, feel stuck and do you feel like you have lost your own sense of self? 

Have you heard the gurus tell you “all we have is now”? So, when you start to dream about the future you feel somehow that you are not being grateful or not being “in the moment”?

Are you running on masculine energy to push yourself and leaving yourself burnt out?

Are you focusing on doing more, and in that process somehow ending up doing less, or worse still nothing at all?

Fear not, I am so glad that you found me and this blog post, because I want to tell you to stop worrying. Stop pushing and panicking, stop blaming, stop complaining and take a moment while I walk you through a method I use that never fails. 

You can design a new life by creating a future version of you. 

You don’t need to have more, or do more to become happy, successful, fulfilled, healthy, wealthy, confident or any state that you are currently wishing you were.

We are going to start with the end result in order that you can become the future you on purpose.

Everything good that happens, every success, & every invention is a thought first. The trouble with most people I meet is that they are so busy thinking about all their “to-dos” they never get time or take time to think about what they actually want, & even more importantly, who is the person that has that thing, that success, that relationship, that energy, that lifestyle? 

 In the words of Madonna circa 1990 “Who’s that Girl”? Really stop and think who is she? 

When I work with clients one to one, I often begin by taking them through a Dream Visualisation. We literally switch off NOW and turn on our imagination, our dreams, desires and hopes and we visualise what our future self and life would look like.

We don’t get stuck in HOW, we purely stick with WHAT.

I love this process, I love seeing my clients faces light up as they allow themselves to dream, to open up to the many possibilities that they have been ignoring, denying and stifling. 


After the dream visualisation is complete, we take the next steps which is to fast forward into the future and look at “That Girl” who is she? What does she do? What is her attitude, her style, her environment ? How does she carry herself, how does she walk, talk, think ? How does her day run? Does she eat food that nourishes her body? Does she get up early or sleep in late? Does she speak kind words to herself and others? 

Often the shocked look I see on my clients faces as they realise they are doing pretty much the opposite of what their Future Self would do is audible! 

Which brings me onto the next necessary step CHANGE. When you decide you are ready to make a change in your life, when you realise that you no longer want to show up as the person you are now and that you want to recreate a new version of you that can look, feel and act confidently (fill in the blank), things get exciting.


We then begin to map out what FUTURE YOU looks like and we do this focusing on 3 areas :-

  1. Identity - this is your personal style statement, your headline introduction to the world , this includes your I AM declarations, how you dress, walk, talk… its a fun process and it will surprise you how little attention you have given to most of these areas in the past few years. 

Your Identity is how you express yourself & how you let the world know who you are its how you present yourself to the world.

Are you displaying by accident or on purpose?

2. Atmosphere - This is the world around you, your friends , your space, your communication, the books you read, the stuff you buy, the things you allow into your life. I ask the question is this “thing” adding or taking away from your purpose?

3. Mindset - How does the future you think? What are her standards, her motivators? Does she allow self sabotage to rule? Does she speak kindly to herself? Does she allow setbacks to ground her for days or maybe weeks ? What type of mindset does future you have?


Life is all about choices, You are free to choose who you are, how you view the world, how you view yourself, and what you believe.

Every choice takes us closer to our future self or further away from her.

Your dream life is on the other side of who you become, not what you do. You can live in the DOING and keep yourself busy or you can create your future self on purpose and live THE life of your dreams.