
The Female Success Blog

Inspirational, motivational & elevational information for your life & business.

Overcoming Overwhelm: Empowering Women to Realise Their Dreams

In my 25-year journey through the international corporate world, I’ve seen firsthand the pressures and challenges women face. As a Transformation & Elevation Mentor, my passion lies in...

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Embracing Transformation: A Journey from Corporate Success to Empowering Women

As a Transformation & Elevation Mentor with a rich 25-year international corporate background, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most influential names in the premium...

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Do You Feel Significant?

Significance is one of the key human needs. We all need to feel that our existence matters, that we are needed and important. That our purpose in life is more than just existing.


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How to be the Leading Lady in your own life

Women should play the leading lady in their own life because it empowers them to take charge of their own destiny, make their own decisions, and create the life they want to live. 

When a...

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Taking Action towards the Future You

I have written and spoken before about how much I love taking clients off on a wonderful relaxed journey so that they can fully explore who their future self really is. 

We love mapping out...

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Great Expectations & Your Future Self

So many of us have a list of things we think we should do. 

We continually tell ourselves, I should DO this, I should DO that, I should BE this , I should BE that…

SHOULDING is a way of...

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